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Your inner self and beyond

Welcome to iDiscoverie


Meet Nishi & Aneesh

We had our own share of individual challenges when it came to the complex world of Relationships.


It is so appalling to see that the seed of love & understanding is missing in most relationships and this is very painful.


Together we challenged the status Quo & undertook journey of understanding the alchemy of Relationships with Self , Partner & Parenting. 


We successfully reinvigorated our relationship with our self , each other and with both kids (daughter & son).


Our Vision is to redefine flawed Relationships by creating  Zero Gravity Relationships.

About iDiscoverie

iDiscoverie offers encyclopedic therapies that allow you to discover the “Real You”. 

It’s an adventure in self-discovery which opens up “you to you”, helps you navigate life’s ups & downs and inject some wonder into your world. This journey that you travel within your inner self will bring forth & transmute the fears which limit you and keep your world small.

Let’s all realize, that within the deepest layer of yourself, lie various mysteries that you are totally unaware of. Step by step, layer by layer, iDiscoverie through its dynamic processes, unfolds it and gradually drives you towards your inner wisdom, a clear mind and lasting happiness. It helps you to come alive and embrace the magnificence of life. 

However, such awareness or inner growth won’t happen within a blink of an eye. We need to invest time for miracles of life to come into our reality. This journey is made up of a series of steps & practices that help open a new window of your perspective towards life. A complete and different view where you perceive yourself differently, a kind of connection which allows you to transcend your life and rediscover a sense of awe.

Such process of transformation as it is will lead you to a life of great fulfillment & joy. However, in this process, there is no starting point or finishing line, where we can say “I am done & dusted”, so it has to be a continuous journey as we are constantly evolving all the time.

“Let your Inner Self & Beyond blossom with iDiscoverie”.


I am Nishi Kotha

Nishi is a mindful Psychotherapist. She brings with her 23 years of practical learning in the field of Cognitive Behavior Therapy & Emotional wellness. 

She is compassionate and her core purpose to serve people to live life at their best potential. 

Her clients have reported miraculous transformation from their existing state of helplessness to finding their real self and purpose. They have got a new perspective on their life journey & have found new enthusiasm to move on with vigor and joy.

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I am Aneesh Kotha

Aneesh is a highly energetic Practical Life & Leadership Transformation Coach. He brings with him 22 years of learning & application in the field of Positive Psychology & Mind Mastery. 

He is passionate to serve people and help them overcome their fears by applying tested wisdom & techniques. His core purpose is to help people get liberated from their own prison & experience freedom and immense joy.
His clients have reported 360-degree transformation from their existing state of self-sabotage to finding their true self, values and purpose. 

Aneesh says “Everything is possible, if you just practice it enough times”. 


Our Programs


Nishi & Aneesh


Shiva Shakti - Couple Compatibility

Shiva Shakti - Couple Compatibility

The merging of Masculine & Feminine Energy - Understanding  Sexual compatibility & types - 5 Myths about sexuality - 6 step formula to build confidence in sexual life


The Mind - Body - Soul Detox

Nishi & Aneesh


The Mind - Body - Soul Detox

Techniques for coherence of heart ,mind & soul alignment

11 Guided Techniques 

by Aneesh & Nishi


Retreats - Intensive Awareness

Nishi & Aneesh


Retreats - Intensive Awareness

Emotional Deep Trauma Therapy , Psychodrama , Mental Detox , Connecting with Inner Child Playfulness -  AIM ( Awareness Intensive Meditations 

Become Happier, Healthier
& More Inspired

The merging of Masculine & Feminine Energy - Understanding  Sexual compatibility & types - 5 Myths about sexuality - 6 step formula to build confidence in sexual life


The merging of Masculine & Feminine Energy - Understanding  Sexual compatibility & types - 5 Myths about sexuality - 6 step formula to build confidence in sexual life.


The merging of Masculine & Feminine Energy - Understanding  Sexual compatibility & types - 5 Myths about sexuality - 6 step formula to build confidence in sexual life


Deep understanding of how we create our own reality , Conscious and Meta conscious functioning , Practical techniques to move from Currect state to desired state , Deep Reprograming Techniques for  Body,Emotions, Core Beliefs


4 Parenting Types - 5 Great Blunders of Parenting  - 1 core emotional blunder - 5 Connecting Keys to child emotions - 121 coaching for parents - 3 Milestone ages of child and corresponding win win parenting 

Connect with the Universal energy for healing , abundance & miracles . Learn to Heal Self and Others - Chakra Blockage Analysis , Energy Vortex and its Imbalance - Effect of Body Mind- Chakra Balancing Techniques - 

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  • What is "Quantum Wellness Code" about at iDiscoverie?
    "Quantum Wellness Code" is a specialized program at iDiscoverie designed to help individuals regain control over their emotional well-being. This life coaching service focuses on three key aspects: 1. **Reset**: Identifying and addressing emotional triggers and negative patterns that disrupt daily life. This stage involves personalized coaching sessions aimed at helping you reset your mindset and approach to stressors. 2. **Restore**: Rebuilding emotional resilience through evidence-based strategies and practices. During this phase, clients learn techniques such as mindfulness, self-compassion, and stress management to restore balance and harmony in their lives. 3. **Reclaim**: Empowering clients to reclaim their emotional stability and well-being, equipping them with lifelong tools and skills to maintain emotional health. This final stage involves setting actionable goals and personalized plans to ensure sustainable growth and emotional health. The program is customized to each client's unique needs, making it a powerful tool for anyone seeking to improve their emotional health and overall quality of life. At iDiscoverie, the aim is to support and guide you through this transformative journey with professional and compassionate life coaching.
  • What can this webinar do for you?
    This webinar will help you to see your own possibilities. It will give you a clear picture as to why you are currently experiencing a life which is much different that what you had hoped for. You will get a chance to live a new Life where you can move beyond your fears & inhibitions. You can live a life of purpose without compromising on your values. You can be your own master and achieve ultimate success in all areas of your life like relationships, career, finances, health . You will move from " CAN I to I CAN ".
  • Where all can the iDiscoverie webinar useful for you ?
    Q: Where all can the iDiscoverie webinar be useful for you? A: The iDiscoverie webinar is designed to be highly versatile, catering to various aspects of personal and professional growth. Here are several key areas where our webinar can be particularly beneficial: 1. **Health and Wellness**: Discover approaches to maintain a balanced lifestyle, boost mental and physical health, and manage stress levels effectively.Break away from patterns of anxiety,panic,depression and move into more powerful YOU. 2. **Relationship Building**: Understand the dynamics of effective communication, conflict resolution, and empathy to strengthen personal and professional relationships. 3. **Personal Development**: Gain insights and strategies to foster self-improvement, enhance emotional intelligence, and build a resilient mindset.
  • 5) How long does it take to change my life?
    It all depends on a person’s intent & willingness. It can happen in a moment or may take few days or few months or few years for some. However, it will be fair to say that anyone who is dedicated and committed can see remarkable transformation in 90 to 180 days.
  • I have heard a lot about CBT, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditations, Breath work and many other therapies, which one is the best?
    At iDiscoverie, we recognize that the effectiveness of a therapy can vary greatly depending on the individual's needs, goals, and personal circumstances. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, Meditation,Visualisation,Affirmations and Breath work etc each offer unique benefits and can be powerful tools for personal development. For example, CBT is highly effective for managing anxiety and depression by changing negative thought patterns, while NLP focuses on enhancing communication and personal success by understanding how different individuals perceive reality. Hypnosis can be useful for breaking habits or reducing stress, Meditation promotes mindfulness and emotional control, and Breath work can help with relaxation and mental clarity. During our initial consultation, we assess your specific concerns and preferences to recommend a tailored approach that may combine elements from multiple therapies to best meet your needs. Our goal is to empower you to discover personal transformation through the most effective methods for you.
  • 7) Can I also be a therapist, help people and make money?
    Yes of course, anyone can learn as long as the person is open to learning and feedback, we believe in the principle of Learn - Do – Teach. It is a great idea to Learn and implement first and then go and teach or help people. You will have more confidence and this helps in building trust and credibility. Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression and other forms of mental and emotional ailments are on rise with every passing day. The world needs a sizeable number of genuine healers and life coaches who can make a difference. Definitely when you are creating such a great value you will get rewarded in from of money also.
  • 8) Do you also train or have any kind of certification course?
    Yes, at iDiscoverie we have a dedicated "iDiscoverie Ace Coach" certification boot camp . This program is aimed at creating world class life coaches and healers who can make a difference with their skill & compassion to serve others. The certification is a combination of online and offline. Rigorous TTT is conducted on Coaching Models, Counselling, Healing Modality NLP, Platform skills, Public speaking etc. Our certification is based on successful completion of written test, case study and live sessions. We have an internship program for the successful candidates who get a chance to develop their skills and in our academy and get paid also. In advance courses we coach our students to be successful authors, TedX speakers as this further amplifies confidence & credibility. Our digital marketing partners offer customized digital marketing services to our coaches to learn the secrets of digital marketing, landing page creation, face book ads, copyrighting, webinar conducting skills etc.

The Journey Within &  Beyond

We are on a mission to help 100,000 people experience balance in mental emotional health & empower them to achieve life changing breakthroughs in the areas of Inner & Outer Wellbeing using iDiscoverie system.

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