The Journey Within & Beyond
Neo Parenting
It’s about raising a Parent
90 Minutes (5 pm–6.30 pm)
22 October 2022

INR 1999

Who should attend this Webinar?
Parents who have children between the age of 1 month to 19 Years & want their children to-
Blossom to their best self
Feel loved, respected & valued
Feel appreciated & secure
Have high self-esteem
Be emotionally & mentally strong
Have strong connection with parents
Be independent & confident
Achieve their highest potential
Why you should attend this Webinar?
The Parent Child relationship is going through a big turmoil due to changing & competitive environment. This has given rise to multiple challenges for parents like:
Failing to connect with children due to lack of time or awareness
Unable to impart fundamental values
Unable to understand & handle emotional imbalance
Not able to trust, which is a two-way sword cutting relationship.
Fail to understanding kid’s aggressive behavior & emotional tantrums
Worried & cannot do anything about excessive use of gadgets
Judging the children which creates emotional trauma in parent & child.

What you will achieve after attending the webinar
Understand your nurturing psychology & parenting style
Know your parenting stage
Learn the elements of healthy emotional & physical growth in children.
Learn to create a nurturing impact for a Win-Win

Nishi is a mindful Psychotherapist. She brings with her 23 years of practical learning in the field of Cognitive Behavior Therapy & Emotional wellness. She is compassionate and her core purpose to serve people to live life at their best potential.
Her clients have reported miraculous transformation from their existing state of helplessness to finding their real self and purpose. They have got a new perspective on their life journey & have found new enthusiasm to move on with vigor and joy.
On her work background Nishi is a seasoned professional who has hands on experience in the field of coaching and therapy. She has worked with companies like Tata, IBM in the field of customer service & training for 17 years.
Nishi started her independent practice since 2014 as she wanted to dedicate her gift to helping more & more people who are struggling with mental & emotional wellbeing. For last 8 years she has undergone mentorship under various mentors and the journey to self-discovery is still ongoing.